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보도자료 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 출처, 내용, 첨부파일 등 상세구분

Leading the Development of Tomato and Pepper Varieties in Asia
본청 관리자 2023-05-23

- Joint workshop with FFTC and WorldVeg to share vegetable variety development results in 13 Asian Countries –

The workshop on “Innovation and Approaches on Vegetable Breeding Technology in Asia” was held last May 17-19, 2023 at the World Vegetable Center (WorldVeg) headquarters in Tainan, Taiwan. This was organized by the Rural Development Administration (RDA) through the Asian Food and Agriculture Cooperation Initiative (AFACI) in partnership with the Food and Fertilizer Technology Center (FFTC) and WorldVeg.

Participated by Principal Investigators (PIs) from 14 member countries and vegetable breeding experts from Asia, this served as a venue to share experiences and lessons learned in the development of vegetable breeding technology, particularly on tomato and pepper disease-resistance. During the fruitful discussions, areas for improvement and other potential future AFACI programs were also identified. Aside from the in-person workshop, the participants also got a chance to visit public and private vegetable breeding facilities in Taiwan. Moreover, this will be followed by a four-day training to be hosted by the WorldVeg, to further strengthen their capacities on vegetable breeding.

Meanwhile, Indonesia, Laos and Kyrgyzstan presented the results of developing 4 excellent pepper varieties and 6 tomato varieties suitable for their country’s cultivation environment. Particularly Laos, being the most outstanding country, has developed the first tomato variety and had it registered in Laos through this project. Moreover, 66 lines of excellent peppers and tomatoes were selected in 9 countries including Vietnam. This year, 2023, 6 kinds of peppers and 20 lines of tomatoes will be registered after NPT (National Performance Trial).  

“Tomatoes and peppers are important crops and sources of income for farmers in Asia, and are expected to contribute to increasing farm income and food security in Asian countries by utilizing varieties developed through AFACI and improving cultivation technology,” said Hwang-Ryoung Kim, Director of International Technology Cooperation Center and Secretary General of AFACI.

첨부파일 23-3(즉시보도)_아시아 토마토, 고추 품종 개발에 앞장_영문(협력국).hwp
23-3(즉시보도)_아시아 토마토, 고추 품종 개발에 앞장_영문(협력국).hwpx
23-3(즉시보도)_아시아 토마토, 고추 품종 개발에 앞장_영문(협력국).pdf 클릭시 파일 내용을 바로 볼수 있는 새창이 뜹니다.

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